UV Cure Resin is crystal clear, cures very hard under UV light or under sunlight.

The precision nozzel is perfect for small crafts requiring accuracy ie. small silicone molds, open bezels, quick adhesion etc.

  • Cures with 1-5 minutes (depending on UV strength and resin depth)
  • Screw on cap and easy applicator tip
  • Self doming
  • Excellent transparecy
  • 30mL Tube

Curing time for depths of 1-2cm:

UV Flouresent Light (9W or 36W) = 2 mins
UV LED Torch (3W and above) = 2 mins
Direct Sunlight = 4 mins
Sunlit but Cloudy = 5-10 mins minimum

Can be poured up to 10cms in depth.
We recommend however that pours exceeding 5cms should not contain any inclusions.


We are not able to provide UV Curing Lamps.  They are readily available online. 



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